Reigniting the love for Nokia in Indonesia and Mexico meant conceiving a new campaign style bridging social media with brand awareness like never before. The ‘Qwerty me’ campaign met sales objectives within 9 weeks of airing.
Having lost touch with a younger market in Mexico and Indonesia, Nokia saw the launch of their new range of phones as an opportunity to regain ground amongst the youth in these regions. Viewers from both countries submitted challenges via SMS, Twitter and Facebook, and from these the best and most bizarre were chosen for 20 TV and online spots featuring the challengers.
Within the first few days of launch, the campaign received more than 150,000 challenge requests in Indonesia alone. The campaign reached sales objectives within 9 weeks of airing and helped to reestablish Nokia within the young markets in these countries.
Agency: Fallon, London
Production Company: Stink
Director: Sam Peacocke
Filming Locations: Indonesia & Mexico
Role: Executive Producer